DBT Grid Custom Control Working Model Package 01/16/94 This package includes the following files: DBTGRID.VBX The DBT Grid custom control DBTGRID.WRI Working Model Documentation DEMO.MAK Visual Basic Demo Project file DEMOFORM.FRM Visual Basic Demo Code README.TXT The file you are now reading The DBT Grid custom control is compatible with all versions of Visual Basic and Visual C++. This product was designed to provide a quality editable grid object for both the Visual Basic and Visual C++ development environments. If you need a data aware version of the DBT Grid there are two other products: 1. A VB3 data aware grid (runs only in Visual Basic 3.0) 2. A Paradox Engine bound grid (compatible with all versions of Visual Basic as well as Visual C++. For additional product information call (813) 378-3760. Installation note: We suggest that you place the DBTGRID.VBX file in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.